Placer County Resource Conservation District (RCD) is sought proposals from qualified and experienced contractors to provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete Phase II of the North Fork American River Shaded Fuel Break. This project consists of fuels reduction and modification on approximately 682 acres near Colfax, CA.
As of February 28th, 2024, a Notice of Intent to Award has been posted.
Per Addendum #1 to the RFP, proposals must have been received by 12:00pm on February 26th, 2024.
All questions were submitted to scott@placerrcd.org no later than 4:00pm on February 20th, 2024. Responses have been posted on this page as of February 22nd, 2024. Proposals must have been received no later than 12:00pm February 26th, 2024.
The full request for proposal document regarding the North Fork American River Fuel Break, Phase II, can be viewed and downloaded below, along with Addendum #1, Addendum #2, Questions, and the Notice of Intent to Award: