On October 3, 2020, Placer RCD hosted Planting Hope, a seedling and produce kit giveaway focused on alleviating food insecurity for community members during the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding for this event was provided by the California Association of Resource Conservation Districts (CARCD) through the COVID-19 Recovery Community Service Grant. The District distributed dozens of donation boxes overflowing with produce and winter vegetable seedlings. Overall, nearly 300 pounds of produce and more than 150 seedlings were donated. Placer County businesses including The Flower Farm, Belly Rub Farms, Salle Orchards, and Laughing Duck Farms provided a medley of fall vegetables including butternut squash, eggplant, beets, and more. The former Eisley’s Nursery, in Auburn, donated a variety of seedlings including lettuce, chard, spinach, and onion. The donation kits boasted a booklet with step-by-step instructions on successful seedling planting, advice on cooking prep for butternut squash and beets, and several delicious fall recipes. Small starter pots filled with soil served as a starting point for transplanting seedlings. Produce that was not distributed during the event was donated to the Auburn Interfaith Food Closet. Foresthill High School accepted the additional seedlings for their community garden. Placer RCD is constantly striving to provide resources that improve the health, safety, and environmental integrity of our community.

Related Assistance, Programs, and Resources
- Get Backyard and Community Ag Technical Assistance
- Learn more about food insecurity in Placer County and how you can help
- Container Garden Food Insecurity and Community Initiative
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Key Staff
Andrew Justus-Fritz
Community & Conservation Director
Brian Pimentel
Agriculture Program Manager