The Placer Prescribed Burn Association (Placer PBA) is dedicated to building wildfire resiliency one acre at a time. Placer PBA trains community members and private landowners to gain the capacity, skills, and knowledge to return fire to the landscape by establishing strong roots in education, collaboration, and action. Through establishing solid collaborative partnerships with Tribes, land stewards, and federal, state, and local agencies, we are building a foundation for the continued application of safe, legal, and ecologically beneficial prescribed burns.
Join Placer PBA
Placer PBA is free to join! It is a listserv where you will be the first to find out about workshops and training opportunities offered through Placer RCD. It also serves as a platform to connect you with others in the community who may assist with burn prep, burning operations, or mop-up. To be added to this listserve, contact:
Cordi Craig
Prescribed Fire Program Manager
Landowner Resources:
Becoming a member of Placer PBA also allows access to the following resources:
- Technical assistance to discuss burn unit preparation, hazard mitigation, permitting processes, and management goals.
- Rx Fire 101 Workshops are designed to teach community members and landowners the basics of prescribed burning including native plant responses to fire, unit prep and hazard mitigation, liability, permitting, and safe implementation.
- Demonstration burns, organized by the PBA, are great opportunities for landowners to gain on-the-ground experience and are paired with all of the workshops.
- Gear Library: Placer PBA members have access to a community gear library, which includes a variety of equipment for implementing safe prescribed burns such as backpack pumps, hoses, nozzles, and hand tools. This program is still in the process of expanding.
- Smoke Permit Subsidy Program: Participants who attend the Rx Fire 101 Workshops gain access to a smoke permit subsidy program, such that Placer PBA will cover 50% of the cost of smoke permits or smoke management plans. Participants do not have to live in Placer County. This is a reimbursement program and landowners must be able to show proof of payment.
- Additional Resources: Scroll down to check out the informational videos on liability and permitting, as well as the Placer County Burn Plan Template to get started documenting the details of your burn unit.
To learn more about any of the above programs or to join the Placer PBA, please contact:
Cordi Craig
Prescribed Fire Program Manager
Additional Resources
- Placer Air Pollution Control District Smoke Management and Prescribed Burning Brochure
- Placer PBA Prescribed Fire Burn Plan
- 2022 Prescribed Fire on Working Landscapes Workshop
- Permitting for Prescribed Fire in Placer County (YouTube video)
- Liability of Prescribed Burning in Placer County (YouTube video)
- Rx Fire Field Guide

Conservation Partners
Placer RCD Prescribed Burning Updates
There are no current Placer RCD updates about this topic.
Other News
Financial Resources
- Contact key staff listed on this page to enquire about financial assistance available.
Other Notes
The AIM program is supported by a cooperative agreement with the USDA Forest Service. In accordance with federal law and the U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this organization is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.
To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call toll free voice (866) 632-9992, TDD (800) 877-8339, or voice relay (866) 377-8642. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Program Areas
Key Staff
Cordi Craig
Prescribed Fire Program Manager