Event Calendar

Prescribed Fire 101 Workshop: Iowa Hill/Colfax

Iowa Hill/Colfax Iowa Hill, CA, United States

Placer PBA is dedicated to equipping landowners with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to implement low-complexity prescribed burns without agency supervision. This workshop will cover topics including permitting, liability, fire effects on native plants, heat management, landowner resources, and others. A panel of experienced instructors are helping to teach the course.


Soil Amendments: Friend or Foe?

Loomis Library 6050 Library Drive, Loomis, CA, United States

Are you confused about what to add and when to add it to your soil? This presentation will review organic fertilizers and the actions micro and macro nutrients have on your soil. Learn about soil testing and what it takes to have healthy soil. This is an in-person event. No registration is required.


Mountain Mandarin Festival

Gold Country Fairgrounds 1273 High Street, Auburn, CA, United States

The 29th Annual Mandarin Festival is the celebration of the Mandarin Orange grown in Placer County. This 3 day family festival includes over 200 vendors, 15 local mandarin orange growers, 20 food vendors, Mandarin Cocktails & bar, Kids Zone and 4 stages of entertainment. This is a 3-day event. See below for dates and hours,…

Ticket prices vary. Please see website for more info.

Prescribed Burn Workshop 101: Applegate

Applegate Applegate, CA, United States

Placer PBA is dedicated to equipping landowners with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to implement low-complexity prescribed burns without agency supervision. This workshop will cover topics including permitting, liability, fire effects on native plants, heat management, landowner resources, and others. A panel of experienced instructors are helping to teach the course. If you run into…


Orchid-Mania: How to Buy and Care for Orchids

Loomis Library 6050 Library Drive, Loomis, CA, United States

This presentation is for you if you are ready to move beyond tossing orchids in the trash when they aredone blooming. You will learn how to keep and care for orchids and how to help them rebloom, maybefor many years. Warning: you may become addicted to these beautiful babies!This is offered in person at the…


Preparing for Prescribed Fire Workshop

Grass Valley, CA Grass Valley, California, United States

Join UCCE, the Placer Resource Conservation District, Point Blue Conservation for a hands-on workshop hosted by Kramer Ranch! This in-person workshop will cover fundamental topics to prescribed fire burn unit preparation including tools and equipment for unit preparation, protecting trees and other desirable vegetation, and constructing containment lines. Registration required- Register Here


Top 10 tips for Backyard Orchards

Loomis Library 6050 Library Drive, Loomis, CA, United States

Learn 10 tips for caring for your fruit trees. Master Gardener, Kevin Marini, will delight you in learning how to select the right fruit tree, the correct way to plant it, provide some pruning tips, and care advice to encourage you to have a fruitful crop.This is an in-person/live event. No registration required.

Roses for a Changing Climate

Roseville Utility Exploration Center (RUEC) Exploration Tech Lab 1501 Pleasant Grove Blvd, Roseville, CA, United States

Did you know that roses don’t have to require a lot of water and labor to flourish? In this workshop, you will learn aboutsome of the origins of roses in America and become acquainted with the categories of roses for your landscape, andwhich are best suited for our drier environment. We’ll also cover common pests…

RX Fire 101

Foresthill Memorial Hall 24601 Harrison Street, Foresthill, CA, United States

Placer RCD is dedicated to equipping private landowners with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to implement low-complexity prescribed burns. Our workshop series is taught by local experts and is focused on teaching landowners how to conduct safe, legal, and ecologically beneficial prescribed burns. The workshops cover a variety of topics including permitting, liability, burn unit…


Pile Burning Workshop Webinar

Join UCCE to learn about the fundamentals of hand pile burning! This two-part class will cover topics including safety and liability considerations, weather conditions and interpretation, and permitting. There will be in-person, local field trips for gaining hands-on skills. Part One: Hand Pile Burning Fundamentals WebinarThis is a free, Zoom-based webinar. Register HerePart Two: In-Person…


Cost-Share Programs for Private Landowners

Zoom (online)

Jenny Johnson of NRCS and David Ahmadi of CAL FIRE will be discussing the EQIP (Environmental Quality Incentives Program) and CFIP (California Forest Improvement Program) programs – both are cost-share programs available to private landowners. These presentations may be helpful to landowners seeking financial assistance for forest stewardship practices. The presentations will be helpful for landowners who need to…


Improving Water Efficiency in Your Garden

Loomis Library 6050 Library Drive, Loomis, CA, United States

For hands-on gardeners eager to learn tips and resources for maximizing their water efficiency. Participants will come away with water-wise ideas and visuals for transforming their landscape.Presenter: Marianne Calhoun, UC Master Gardener of Placer CountyThis is an in person /live presentation; no registration required. You may also attend at the same time online via Zoom,…

Broadcast Burn Unit Prep and Hazard Mitigation

Zoom (online)

Cordi is the Prescribed Fire Program Manager at Placer RCD and unit prep/hazard mitigation is a unit featured in the Rx Fire 101 workshop series. This presentation will go over standard unit prep work including containment lines, different tool options to use, protecting valued trees or infrastructure, and others. This presentation will be helpful to…


Prescribed Fire 101 Workshop

Colfax Elementary School 24825 Ben Taylor Road, Colfax, California, United States

Join Placer RCD at our upcoming RX Fire 101 Workshop! Placer Prescribed Burn Association is dedicated to equipping landowners with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to implement low-complexity prescribed burns. This workshop is free of charge and will cover topics including permitting, liability, fire effects on native plants, heat management, landowner resources, and others. Workshops are…


Managing Fuels for the Private Landowner

Zoom (online)

Allen Edwards is a private landowner in Colfax. He owns more than 500 acres of forestland on a ridgetop that serves as a strategic area for supporting wildfire suppression. He’ll discuss management strategies that have worked for him, different types of fuels reduction work that he’s completed, and several other topics. Allen has adjusted management…


Managing Forests for Resilience

Zoom (online)

Alexis Bernal is a researcher at the Stephens Lab for Wildland Fire Science. She has been involved in and published many new applied research projects related to fire ecology and management, forest health, and historical forest reconstruction. Some of her recent papers include Tree resistance to drought and bark beetle-associated mortality following thinning and prescribed fire…


Local Working Group Meeting

Your opinion matters! The USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service and Placer Resource Conservation District are seeking your input to enhance our conservation efforts. As stewards of the land, your insights as farmers, ranchers, forest landowners, and managers are crucial. Input will guide us in addressing the top natural resource concerns in Placer County. To better…