We advance sustainable management of natural resources in Placer County among private landowners, local organizations, and public agencies through action, education, and outreach.
Program Areas
Firewise Trailer Education Program
The Firewise Trailer Education Program is a trailer that includes equipment, tools, and other information as a way to help landowners achieve defensible space and stay safe.
It is available for use by neighborhoods and during related events. Please contact us to schedule or reserve the Firewise Trailer for your neighborhood or outreach event.
Forestland Steward Newsletter
The Forestland Steward is a collaborative publication between CAL FIRE, Placer RCD, UC Cooperative Extension, and the US Forest Service. The newsletter is published three times a year and offers private forest landowners throughout the state helpful and relevant information for managing their land. With up-to-date policy information, agency input, and science-driven management recommendations, the newsletter strives to provide landowners with all the facts (and some fun, too!) to create a healthy and sustainable landscape.
See the most recent issue here!
Visit the Forestland Steward archives here.
We’re Here for You
We’re here to help you! We partner with private landowners, government agencies, and other land managers for conservation projects, restoration efforts, educational activities and technical assistance. To learn more about how we can help you, please call (530) 390-6680 for assistance.