Placer County’s forests and woodlands provide valuable ecosystem services to human and non-human residents. Forest health in the Sierra Nevada foothills faces many challenges, including a buildup of fuels as a result of fire suppression, invasive species, forest pests and pathogens, and the threat of catastrophic wildfire. Forest stewardship in the form of mechanical thinning, prescribed fire, water quality protection, and more, is critical to maintaining healthy landscapes that are resilient to these threats in the face of a changing climate. Placer RCD provides science-informed technical assistance to Placer County residents who are grappling with these significant land management challenges.
Forest health technical assistance can help you with:
- Potential cost-share opportunities through federal assistance programs
- Finding a vegetation management contractor
- Pest and pathogen identification and solutions
- Prescribed burning
- Invasive weed management
- Understory thinning
- Guidance and referrals for timber harvest
For forest health technical assistance, please contact:
Scott Stephenson
Forestry Director, RPF #2949
Ellen Murphy
Forestry Project Coordinator
Lewis Campbell
Forestry Project Manager, RPF #3260
Cordi Craig
Prescribed Fire Program Manager
Jerry Reioux
Forestry Conservation Planner(m) (530) 574-8877
Placer RCD Forest Health News
- POSTPONED: Prescribed Fire Program Coordinator
- A Brief Introduction to Prescribed Fire
- Placer RCD Awarded $2.19M CAL FIRE Fire Prevention Grants
Placer RCD Projects
- Regional Conservation Partnership Program Provides financial assistance
- Rx Fire Field Guide
- Mosquito Fire Recovery and Reforestation
- Firewise Trailer Education Program
- Landowner Technical Assistance Provides financial assistance
- Placer County Chipper Program Provides financial assistance
- Forestry & Natural Resources Career Mentorship Program
- Placer Prescribed Burn Association (Placer PBA) Provides financial assistance
- Placer County Emergency Fuels Reduction Project
- Prescribed Burning on Private Lands Provides financial assistance
- Auburn Shaded Fuel Break past project
Forest Health Media
- 23-24 Career Mentorship Program Overview
- Placer Prescribed Burn Association Logo Contest
- Rx Fire Field Guide
- 2021-2022 Forestry and Natural Resources Career Mentorship Program
- Landowner Technical Assistance Agreement (LTAA) Flier
- 2022-07 Forestry Mentorship Program Press Release
- Forestland Steward Issue 71: Back to Basics
- RCPP Crisis to Opportunity: Tree mortality in Placer County
- 2022 Prescribed Fire on Working Landscapes Workshop
- Forestland Steward Issue 65: Lightening the Fuel Load
More Forest Health Information
- Forest Health Resources
- Forestland Steward
- Forestland Steward Archives
- Forestland Steward Newsletter Subscribe
- Media Kit
- Placer County Chipper Program Service Information
- PCWA, NID, other agencies pitch in on River Fire recovery (Gold Country Media)