Update: Submission deadline has closed. Individuals who have submitted a design will be notified of results by August 30th, 2023.
Calling graphic designers and artists! The Placer Prescribed Burn Association is seeking a logo design.
The Placer PBA Logo Contest is funded by the Coalitions and Collaboratives, Inc., Action, Implementation, and Mitigation (AIM) grant. Placer Resource Conservation District (Placer RCD) received this grant funding in August 2022 and it has helped support Placer PBA’s educational workshops, training burns, and outreach work. To avoid bias, submissions will be assigned a random number by a Placer RCD staff member that is not affiliated with the ranking committee. No names will be associated with images when reviewed by the ranking committee. The winning artist will receive a check for $500.00. We do not accept the use of artificial intelligence for this contest.
Artists interested in applying are encouraged to explore the prescribed burn programs offered at Placer RCD including the Placer Prescribed Burn Association and the Prescribed Burning on Private Lands (PBPL) Program. To learn more about the program, check out CAL FIRE’s video highlighting the PBPL program and KVMR’s recently featured story on their radio show.
To apply, please carefully review the attached document below for submission guidelines and submit your application through this link by August 7, 2023.