Is your dream to run a small farm or ranch? Are you ready to get started on your dream? Apply for the Beginning Farming Academy offered by the University of California Cooperative Extension on September 30 and October 1, 2022. The class is held in Auburn and runs from 8 AM to 5 PM on Friday, September 30, and Saturday, October 1st. Applications close September 23 at 5 PM.
The Academy is an intensive 2-day introduction to starting a small commercial farm or ranch and will help prospective farmers jumpstart their operations. Participants will learn to assess their land and resources, research markets, and analyze the potential economic viability of their operations.
The workshop focuses on marketing, business, and economic planning for small farms. The class is taught by University of California Farm Advisors and expert local farmers and ranchers. It includes field trips to farms and a certified farmers’ market.
The class is limited to 15 prospective producers. To apply, please complete the online application at
The Beginning Farming Academy is partially funded by a Western Extension Risk Management Education grant from the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Meal cost for the two days is $80 and includes breakfast, lunch, and snacks.
For questions or more information on the Beginning Farming Academy, please contact Cindy Fake at or 530.889.7385.