The mission of the Placer RCD is to promote the wise and sustainable stewardship of natural resources by inspiring responsible conservation practices.
A future where we skillfully address these changing needs, so that abundant natural resources can continue to enrich and support the land, communities, and ecosystems of Placer County.
Our vision for the future of Placer County includes:
- Forests that have been restored to a fire-adapted state, allowing communities, wildlife, and natural resources to co-exist with fire.
- Vibrant and sustainable agricultural enterprises, where farmers and ranchers use conservation practices that create long-term health for the land and soils, helping our communities adapt to changes in climate and other conditions.
- Clean and abundant water for drinking, irrigation, and sustenance of the natural environment.
- Healthy habitat and functioning watersheds that support abundant plants, animals, and other species.
To make this vision possible, we must also envision a future where the stewardship actions of our entire community are enlisted to support the natural resources we cherish and rely on.
The decisions and practices that happen on farms, ranches, and rural properties; in urban and suburban neighborhoods; in business and in government, matter to this end. The people of this District have entrusted us to provide services that inspire conservation through education, technical assistance, trusted relationships, and incentives.
Realizing this vision is bigger than any one agency-it will take many people and organizations working together, and within themselves, to help realize a vision where we can adaptively and resourcefully relate to our environment. Members of the board and staff of the Placer RCD are proud to play our role in working towards this future.
We fulfill our mission by offering expertise that is grounded in a deep history of integrity, connection, and relationship. We specialize in coordinating efforts, meeting emergent needs, and serving as trustworthy advisors to help people bring stewardship practices to their land and communities.
As a special district guided by the State of California’s Natural Resource Code, Placer RCD is led by an appointed board of directors who represent our communities. Placer RCD can:
- Provide technical assistance, funding, and other resources directly to private landowners to help them implement stewardship practices on their properties, in a confidential, non-regulatory context.
- Easily partner with other public agencies to put public resources on the ground for conservation.
- Respond to the emerging needs of our communities and our natural resources as conditions change around us.
- Coordinate government, private, and nonprofit entities from the local, state, regional, and federal levels to make sure everyone works together to achieve more.
We share and support a commitment to:
- Collaboration
In our programs, we partner with a broad base of organizations and people throughout the community, joining our resources and expertise to reach shared goals. Within our organization, we work as a team, leverage each other’s strengths, and support each other in big and small ways. - Creativity
We are a flexible, responsive, entrepreneurial agency driven by community needs. We are always seeking to improve our programs and to incorporate new resources and approaches. We are committed to learning and growth as an organization and as individuals. - Inclusion
We provide support and resources to people throughout Placer County, from the forests to the valley. We work to make our programs accessible and inclusive to people from all backgrounds and interests. - Integrity & Transparency
The Board of Directors and staff share information openly, live up to our commitments, and bring excellence to our individual roles for the benefit of the whole.
Placer Resource Conservation District (District or Placer RCD) is an independent and self-governing California special district dedicated to the conservation of agriculture and natural resources within most of Placer County, CA (excluding the Lake Tahoe Basin) – nearly 1500 square miles of diverse stakeholders, habitat, and agricultural enterprises. Established in 1946, Placer RCD is governed by a board of local landowners/operators and works in partnership with the local office of USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), private landowners, public agencies, nonprofit organizations, lessees, communities, and businesses to develop and administer conservation projects, programs, and technical assistance.
Placer RCD fulfills its mission through a variety of non-regulatory and voluntary projects and programs and services, such as establishment of fuel breaks, fuel reductions, invasive weed removal, stream restoration, erosion control, irrigation planning, backyard and community agriculture, and a variety of outreach and educational efforts. As a non-regulatory agency, Placer RCD provides technical assistance to anyone (e.g. private landowners, local entities, communities, and other individuals) on how to manage land for conservation and agricultural goals who want to engage, practice, and implement conservation through technical assistance, incentive programs, and education. In addition to this, Placer RCD can hold land, easements, and endowments to further achieve its mission.
A distinguishing characteristic of conservation districts, like the Placer RCD, is the specialization in providing technical assistance on how to manage land for conservation and agricultural goals. Placer RCD offers consultation, guidance, and advice on resource issues such as soil erosion control, irrigation water management, fuels reduction, forest improvement, hedgerows that support native pollinators, stream sediment control, watershed restoration, fish and wildlife habitat, sustainable local farms, open space, and more.
District Map

The Conservation Partnership
The literal meaning of the word conservation is “to save together.” Conservation within the Placer RCD and across the United States live up to its namesake and reputation through the conservation partnership: a group of agencies and organizations that share a common goal of advancing conservation. They often provide technical, financial, and educational assistance to implement economically and environmentally compatible land and water stewardship decisions, practices, and technologies. The conservation partnership is an intricate network of people and organizations larger than the sum of their parts that work to meet the unique needs and bolster conservation efforts that have a real and lasting impact.
Our Conservation Partners
Action, Implementation, and Mitigation
California Association of Resource Conservation Districts
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
California Department of Food and Agriculture
California Licensed Foresters Association
California State Parks, Auburn State Recreation Area
California Women in Timber
Chris Paulus, Consultant
Coalitions and Collaboratives, Inc.
Forest Landowners of California
Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District
National Association of Conservation Districts
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Placer County
Placer County Air Pollution Control District
Placer Grown
The Auburn Area Recreation & Park District
Todd’s Valley Miwok Maidu Cultural Foundation
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
U.S. Forest Service
United Auburn Indian Community
University of California Cooperative Extension
Wildlife Conservation Board